Tuesday, March 23, 2010

When Limbo Ain't Vertical

I had the chance to talk with a King Lear character outside of Peet's Coffee in Los Altos the other day who ask me, "Do you know when limbo ain't vertical?" He motioned toward heaven and hell, then paused for my response. I was slow to respond and a broad smile grew on his face revealing five missing teeth, all in horizontal alignment, absense, limbo. Then he motioned across the street and into the Peet's shop, looking to me for acknowledgement and some type of reaction.
[creative commons photo from Max Sparber on Flickr]

Saturday, March 13, 2010

First Pancakes

I really never throw out the first pancakes. Sometimes they're overcooked, sometimes undercooked, occasionally splotchy, and sometimes they are absolutely perfect. The producers of the wheat flour, eggs, and milk worked hard to get their best to me, so I think I owe it to them and to myself to not waste good food.

My little one reminds me everyday of how precious our first efforts at walking, talking, and writing are. It is a little more challenging to consider my first PowerPoint, first departmental budget, or first sales pitch to be special or meaningful to me or anyone else.

Do you throw out your first pancakes?

[creative commons photo from Solcita on Flickr]