My friend's village is more visible now that a few of our photos are visible on Google Earth and on Panoramio. Viewed on Google Earth or
Panoramio, these pictures include the lattitude and longitude and are placed on a real map of southern Niger. Zooming in on the village of Dan-Makaho from the air, the village well is clearly there in the clearing surrounded by a few trees. There are also modest houses and the arid fields where the people grow their sorghum, millet, and cow peas.
In addition to the precision map experience on our
Panoramio page, we can also gain context. Clicking out to view the wider Maradi region shows dozens of villages. Clicking out to view Niger as a whole reveals the proximity of important neighbors like Nigeria, which is only a few kilometers away from Dan-Makaho and which shares the Hausa tribal ethnicity. The other neighbors to the north, east, and west include a diverse assortment of ethnicities, histories, and landscapes: Algeria, Libya, Chad, Mali, Burkina Faso, and Benin.